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Candida: The
Slow Killer
Do you have Candida? Do you suffer from:
You could have a Weakened Immune System Caused by:
Poor Diet consisting of sugars, refined flour, hormone injected meats, preservatives, coffee, chocolate, etc. Tobacco, alcohol, pesticides, chemicals, etc. Can you be helped? Yes. With The
Candida Control Program.
Legal Disclaimer The nutritional and health information contained in this web site is for informational purposes only. We do not offer medical advice or prescribe the use of diet as a method of treatment for sickness or disease. Because there is always some risk when changing diet or lifestyle we are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences that might result. Do not apply any information given here if you are not willing to assume the risk yourself. If you use this information without the approval of a health professional you are prescribing for yourself, which is your Constitutioinal right. We do not assume any responsibility for your decision.
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